Our activities in the Nordics
Aller Media A/S is the leading publisher of magazines and weeklies in Denmark, with titles such as BILLED-BLADET, SE og HØR, Familie Journal, SPIS BEDRE and many more. Aller Media A/S also owns Heartbeats.
Aller Tryk A/S is specialised in the printing of weeklies, magazines, catalogues, and advertising prints and has Aller Media in Denmark and Sweden as its largest customers.
Aller Leisure A/S owns and manages the travel and event companies Nyhavn Rejser A/S, Kulturrejser-Europa A/S, Nilles Rejser A/S, Aller Travel AS, Gislev Rejser A/S, Billetkontoret A/S, Stjernegaard Rejser A/S, Let’s Do Travel A/S, Alive A/S and Gaia Travel.
Aller Media AB is the leading publisher of magazines and weeklies in Sweden. Aller Media AB has some of Sweden’s best-known brands, such as ELLE, MåBra, Svensk Damtidning, ELLE Decoration, Allers, Hemmets Veckotidning, Hänt i Veckan, Femina and Residence.
Aller Media Oy is a leading media, marketing and video production company dealing with engaging content through their strong digital services and brands: Seiska, Katso Aller Studios, Dingle and Aller Ideas.
Aller Media AS is an innovative media group with well-known national brands with broad coverage and attractive target groups, such as Dagbladet, Se og Hør, KK and SOL.
In addition, Aller Media AS owns several companies and services such as Roede, HS Media and Pluss Mobil.
The Aller Foundation owns more than 50% of the A-shares. The Aller Foundation was founded in 1981 by Svend Aller, Carl Erik Aller, and Jørgen Aller.
Domicile Addresses

Domicile Addresses
Aller A/S
Havneholmen 33
1561 Copenhagen V
Aller Media A/S
Havneholmen 33
1561 Copenhagen V
Aller Leisure A/S
Folke Bernadottes allé 7
2100 København Ø
Aller Tryk A/S
Helgeshøj Allé 36
2630 Høje Taastrup
Aller Media AB
Humlegårdsgatan 6
114 46 Stockholm
Aller Media AS
Karvesvingen 1
0571 Oslo
Postadr: 1169
Aller Media Oy
Lintulahdenkuja 10
00500 Helsinki

Bettina Aller
- Group CEO

Katinka Aller
- Group CEO

Morten Krüger
- Group CFO
Aller´s history
From 1873 until today
Aller A/S was founded in 1873 under the name Carl Allers Etablissement A/S in Copenhagen by Carl Julius Aller and wife Laura. In 1874 they started the publication of Nordisk Mønster Tidende (now femina) and in 1877 the first issue of Illustreret Familie Journal was published.
Aller A/S early began to publish magazines in both Norway and Sweden. Aller Media AB (previously Svenska Aller AB) was founded in 1894 followed by Aller Media AS (previously Norsk Aller AS) in 1897. And in 1992 we founded Aller Media OY in Finland.

When it All Began
Carl and Laura Aller founded “Carl Allers Etablissement” by Holmens Kanal, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Nordisk Mønster-Tidende
Together Carl and Laura developed Nordisk Mønster-Tidende, being published for the first time on January 1st, 1874. Today we know Nordisk Mønster-Tidende as femina.

King Christian IX Becomes a Subscriber
Laura Aller at her desk with the weekly Illustreret Familie Journal, published for the first time in 1877. And less than two months later, the Royal Danish Court becomes a subscriber.

Aller in Sweden is Founded
Aller in Sweden is founded and from hereon the Swedish version of Illustreret Familie Journal is now partly edited in Sweden.

Aller in Norway is Founded
Aller in Norway is founded – and as in Sweden, Illustreret Familie Journal is partly being edited in Norway.

The Modernisation
Illustreret Familie Journal is being modernised going from Gothic to Latin font and is extended to 40 pages per issue. At the same time the paper factory is being inaugurated.

Now as a Stock Company
Even though the company is being transformed into a private limited company, the next generations continue to run and develop the company. At the picture you see the sons Axel and Valdemar Aller.

Popeye the Sailor Man
As the first in Denmark, Aller publishes the first issue of a comic stripe “Popeye” in 1938 (known here as “Skipper Skræk”).

SE og HØR is published as Det Ny Radioblad
Det Ny Radioblad (The New Radio Magazine) is published for the first time in 1940 and is relaunched as SE og HØR in 1953. With the beginning of the tv era, the tv overview becomes an important part of the weekly – and still is to this day.

Aller in Valby is bombed
On the night between the 23rd and 24th of January 1945 the Aller HQ and the paper factory in Valby are bombed by the hated terror organisation “Schalburgkorpset”, a pro-nazi terror organization with both Danish and German members.

The Bombs cannot stop Henri T. Meyer
The morning after the Schalburg bombardment editor Henrik T. Meyer gets to work at the usual time and begins working on his brought typewriter in the middle of the smoking ruins. The magazines did have a deadline.

Ude og Hjemme becomes Part of the Portfolio
Aller acquires the weekly Ude og Hjemme making it a part of the portfolio. For the first six years in the 1920’s its chief editor was the renowned polar explorer Peter Freuchen.

Joint Distribution system is established
Together with Gutenberghus (now Egmont) Aller establishes a joint distribution system in Denmark, UBD, where both pulishers’ magazines are being distributed by the same carriers.

Carl Allers Etablissement A/S becomes Parent Company
Carl Allers Etablissement A/S becomes parent company for Aller in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.

Aller acquires BILLED-BLADET and Søndags-BT (which is renamed SØNDAG). And today Aller has more than 20 titles in the portfolio.

Aller in Finland is founded
In 1992 Aller is also established in Finland, their first publication being a Finnish version of SE og HØR named “7 Päivää”.

Welcome to Havneholmen
Havneholmen 33 is the new HQ. The building is drawn by PLH Architects, consists of 28.000 m2 and the unique lines are catching the eyes of people with an interest in architecture from all over the world.

Aller Holding
Carl Allers Etablissement changes its name to Aller Holding A/S and continues as a parent company for Aller Media A/S in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

Aller Leisure becomes part of Aller A/S
The travel business which until now has been a part of Aller Media, now becomes an independent group, Aller Leisure A/S and becomes a part of Aller Holding A/S (now Aller A/S).

Aller Holding A/S becomes Aller A/S
In February Aller Holding A/S changes its name to Aller A/S.

Contact us
Aller A/S
Havneholmen 33
1561 Copenhagen V
+ 45 72 34 29 00
CVR: 43326414
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